Friday, November 14, 2008

Late Fall: A Road West of Town

Here is a picture of a gravel road west of Spokane. The winter sky was beautiful that day. Soon the road will be covered with snow and impassible for most of the season. The conditions will force one out of his car and onto his feet. Wonder if there is a metaphor there which might apply to the current economic conditions which are starting to make demands upon us to become different. How might we become different? By becoming self-sufficient, by slowing down, leading simpler less money intense lives. The economic downturn will get us to move away from our intense effort to pass though life hardly noticing the pleasures of truth life affords. But maybe nothing will come of our difficulties. Of course nothing will come of it if we can find a way to "buy" our way out of it for another 20 - 30 years.
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Lawyer, former Spokane City Council member, public trust advocate, author and advocate of Spokane's "strong Mayor" form of government.