Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A Carnegie Library Bldg.

Years ago a man by the name of Andrew Carnegie made contributions of libraries to towns and cities all across the United States. Here is one of of those libraries. What a fine contribution to our people. We are indeed blessed by the generosity of those who have made fortunes and then have decided to make those fortunes available to the people from which they came. This is truly an American phenomenon. The point may be this: There, in the end result, are no real distinctions between us. We all come from the same immigrant stock. We are all immigrants. We are the new world. We are the new being. And, to realize this new being we have to continue to be an immigrant United States of America. It will be risky, but it is the only thing we can do to be what we are, a light in the world.
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About Me

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Lawyer, former Spokane City Council member, public trust advocate, author and advocate of Spokane's "strong Mayor" form of government.