Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Deer are All Right

During the time of the heavy snowfall in the Spokane area in December 2008 I worried about the welfare of the deer. As I drove around the areas I was used to seeing them I found they were few and far between. The snow was so deep they simply could not get around very well. They must have been staying deep in the woods.

Yesterday was a good day. The deer are back and their numbers do not seem reduced. The recent warmth has reduced the depth of the snow and so the deer are able to move about again. Surprisingly they looked healthy -- not too lean and with healthy coats of fur. In this picture they are feeding on branches downed by a recent heavy frost.

I will not say where, . . . .
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About Me

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Lawyer, former Spokane City Council member, public trust advocate, author and advocate of Spokane's "strong Mayor" form of government.