Saturday, January 17, 2009

Spokane and Its Possible Participation in War Crime

In the top floors of this downtown Spokane building some psychologists are conducting their business. The are consultants. They consult with the United States military or how best to interrogate prisoners of war. They are in constant contact, I hear, communicating with the prisoner interrogators from a special communications facility west of Spokane in an area known as the West Plains. We do such things in the name of righteous war. The war people will say it is all necessary. I would suppose so if you believed in the final efficacy of war and wished to be sure the ethic of war is what our society should be based on. The building is known as the "Old American Legion Building."
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Lawyer, former Spokane City Council member, public trust advocate, author and advocate of Spokane's "strong Mayor" form of government.